A Dragon's Tale!
We’re so excited that you have decided to join us on our Dragon adventure!
Four days of games, crafts, friendship and fun await!
Some important information that you will need to know:
Holiday Club will be held at the Church of the Holy Spirit on New Inn Lane, GU4 7HW
Thursday 17th – Saturday 19th February 2022 : 10am – 1.30pm (just children) Doors open at 9.45am
Sunday 20th: 10am– 12pm (children with families)
For school years Reception to Year 6
Please bring a packed lunch, as lunch will not be provided. No nuts please!
Fancy dress is welcomed – but please leave valuables at home
Cost £15 per child. Holiday Club is designed for children to attend every day and with families on the last day.
Cash, cheques made out to Burpham Church PCC or pay online to Burpham PCC, Account Number 83993671 Sort Code 40-22-26 or come into the office to pay by card. (please put your child/ren name as reference)
To register please fill out the registration form and return it with payment to the church office: Church of the Holy Spirit, New Inn Lane, Burpham, GU4 7HW or pay online.
Please complete a separate form for each child
Any enquiries contact the Church Office : office@burphamchurch.org.uk or 01483 825533 between the hours of 9.30 – 1pm / after office hours, contact Nicky Geraghty: nicky@burphamchurch.org.uk or 07305 619868
Terms and Conditions
I give my permission for my child to take part in all activities associated with Burpham Church Holiday Club 2022. In the case of illness or accident, I authorise Burpham Church to administer simple first aid and if necessary, to sign on my behalf, any written form of consent required by medical authorities, on the understanding that all effort has been made to contact me. If your child is showing signs of being unwell we will call you to come and collect them.
All necessary precautions have been taken to follow current Covid guidelines.
Burpham Church does not take any responsibility for personal possessions which may be left on the premises, please leave valuables at home.
I understand that Burpham Church will take all reasonable care in looking after my child but that if my child grossly misbehaves then I may be requested to collect them.
I understand that photographs and video recordings may be taken for Burpham Church use, and these may be displayed on notice boards, in printed material and on our website. Burpham Church will not identify any photographed children.
I have completed all parts of this form and enclose cash / cheque for £15, made out to Burpham Church PCC - paid online - arranged a bank transfer – paid in office.
Keeping your personal information secure is important to us, any information you provide will be kept private and is not given out to 3rd parties. For further information please refer to the privacy policy on our website.