Your donations of time, money and your particular skills are hugely appreciated as we all come together to serve God in Burpham Church.
Thank you.
CLICK HERE to give online
Bank : HSBC
Address : PO Box 160, 12a North St, Guildford GU1 4AF
Sort Code : 40-22-26
Account No : 11594427 - Burpham Church PCC
At Burpham Church we do not take collections at our services because we do not want to pressurise anyone to give.
We to encourage regular, thoughtful, planned giving. As a charity ourselves, we substantially benefit from the Gift Aid Scheme, and we encourage all donations to be made under that scheme so that your gift may go further.
To discuss any aspect of giving, please talk confidentially to Jo Lamberth (treasurer) CLICK HERE to email
Burpham Church runs purely on the generous financial support of church members. We receive no money for our buildings or staff from the Church of England, Government or any other source.
As Burpham Church we commit to...
Use your money to ONLY honour God and build His Kingdom in Burpham and beyond.
Be wise and generous with God’s money and regularly to review our use of money.
Give at least 10% of our income to serve God’s church in the world beyond our own needs.
Allow you to review our accounts annually.
Allow you to ask questions or express concerns over financial matters.
Allowing only the Treasurer, Independent Examiner & God to be aware of the details of your giving to Burpham Church.
Allow you to amend or stop your giving at any time.